Alan Murray is a trainer, consultant, and community leader in Excel and Power BI. His resource site, https://www.computergaga.com/, and YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/computergaga, are some of the most valuable and respected on the Internet. In this conversation, we explore the benefits and possible use cases for a new suite of Excel functions – the Dynamic Array Functions. These functions – UNIQUE, SORT, SORTBY, FILTER, SEQUENCE, and RANDARRAY – work differently than any other function you’ve used before, and they represent a HUGE leap forward.
To see Alan in action as a trainer, check his playlist of tutorial videos about Dynamic Array Functions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2ybRZbvR5k&list=PLxv7tqbNjU9WP3oMeRKwNXwDYQilKjF-s
Enroll in Computergaga’s excellent online courses at: https://www.computergaga.com/online-courses/
Contact Alan directly at: admin@computergaga.com
For questions about the show, contact Neil at help@knacktraining.com